
Effectorannotator, A Script for an Easy and Automated Identification and Comparison of the Type Iii Secretion System Effectors of Pseudomonas syringae

European Journal of Bioinformatics Volume 4, 2016, 1-5

Simone Marcelletti, Marco Scortichini, Giuseppe Firrao




The type III secretion system of Pseudomonas syringae is a biological machinery that plays a fundamental role in causing diseases to both wild and cultivated plants through the releasing of effector proteins into the plant cell. Problems with the correct identification and comparison of effectors are usually encountered when a putative effector is annotated, particularly during the automated annotation in genome sequencing project. To improve the reliable identification of effector proteins and the address of their identity by homology comparison with the type III secretion system effectors of Pseudomonas syringae, we have developed and set up a program that enables fast and automated protein effectors search and comparison. EffectorAnnotator is free and open source software, available under a GPLv2 licence. EffectorAnnotator can be downloaded and installed from written in Perl and tested on Linux.

Keywords: Genomic annotation; Pseudomonas syringae; Effectors; Bioinformatics


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