
Space Communication System Based on Radio Signal System and Space Weather Effects on Aircraft Operations

Sarmistha Basu



Radio Signal system is a method of transmitting intelligence from one location to another by means of electromagnetic radiation. Communication systems also involve voice transmission and reception between aircrafts and ground. These systems are installed in all types f aircraft so a pilot be given information and directions and may request information from air traffin control centre, control towers and flight service stations. The Solar EUV and Lyman alpha emissions create the ionosphere by photo-ionization, which ionizes neutral atoms producing free ions and electronics. These positively and negatively charged particles are embedded in the neutral atmosphere and form a weak plasma that interacts with radio waves of various frequencies in different ways. Reliable communications are a vital component of safe and efficient air travel. Space weather can be a problem as it drives and perturbs the very regime it creates, the ionosphere. The ionosphere is the key to HF communications for aviation; the lower HF frequencies need the ionosphere to reflect the signal back earthward. This paper explains Space Communication System based on Radio Signal System and Space Weather effects on Aircraft Operations.

Keywords: Space, Aircraft Operations, Weather, Radio Signal System



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